Remediation at FAA Remote Transmitter/Receiver



Bethel was contracted to remove and properly dispose of a defined quantity of petroleum-impacted soil and groundwater at the Santa Barbara Remote Transmitter/Receiver (RTR) facility and to evaluate if the site would meet clean closure criteria. The scope of the project included excavation of total petroleum hydrocarbons-diesel (TPH-D)-impacted soil; limited groundwater extraction to support the soil removal; placement of an in-situ treatment material; and backfill, compaction, and final surfacing of the area.

The work was conducted on an active airfield, adjacent to a jurisdictional wetlands and in proximity to the ocean. Bethel coordinated special access, protected against impact to wetlands, and complied with local permitting requirements.

Bethel excavated and disposed of 204 tons of contaminated soil from the release area. The remedial action accomplished the removal of gross contamination above the groundwater zone in the immediate area of the release; however, site restrictions and obstacles prevented expanding the limits of the excavation further. A temporary support system installed under the Generator Building allowed the removal of contaminated soil from an area extending approximately four feet under the foundation slab without impacting its structural integrity.

Groundwater remediation for the project consisted of the removal of 3,800 gallons of fuel contaminated groundwater from the excavation followed by an in situ treatment with Oxygen Release Compound Advanced (ORC Advanced®), designed to provide control-release molecular oxygen to the subsurface environment where it accelerates the rate of naturally occurring aerobic contaminant biodegradation in the groundwater and saturated soils for up to 12 months. The remediation was successful in removing petroleum impacted soils and instituting the in-situ groundwater treatment.



Federal Aviation Administration


Santa Barbara, California

Period of Performance

9/2012 - 9/2013

Contract Value


Contract Numbers


Work Performed


Soil and groundwater remediation

Excavation, containment & transport/disposal of contaminated soil
