Pt. McIntyre Remediation Support



Bethel was subcontracted by Tetra Tech to complete a selected remedy and removal action for relocation and cleanup of the Eroding Landfill at the former Distant Early Warning (DEW) Line Station at Point McIntyre, Alaska located approximately 15 miles northwest of Deadhorse, Alaska on the North Slope.

Scope of Work

The Bethel team worked closely with Tetra Tech and US Navy personnel to implement project objectives. Specific work scope elements included:

  • Excavation and transport of contaminated soil

  • Low water shoreline removal of exposed drums and debris

  • Construction of water treatment system and containment ponds

  • Construction of freeze back landfill

  • Installation of groundwater monitoring wells

  • Site restoration

Unique Challenges

Although awarded to a previous contractor in 2013, the challenging logistics and project complexity proved to be too difficult for them to complete on time. The remote location and part of project having already been completed made for some unique challenges such as:

  • Rebuilding berms of stockpile containment area for water control

  • Re-constructing parts of landfill to project specifications

  • Site access only by boat and helicopter

  • Wildlife such as Polar bears and rabid foxes

  • Due to shallow inlet water, a shallow draft landing craft was used for transport of heavy equipment and supplies



NAVFAC (subcontractor to Tetra Tech EC)


Point McIntyre, Alaska

Period of Performance

02/2014 - 10/2014

Contract Value


Contract Number

N62470-13-D-8007, TO