Yukon Kuskokwim Regional Aquatic Health & Safety Center



Bethel was the Design-Build contractor for the new two-story building of approximately 27,200 SF in Bethel, Alaska. The building accommodates a six lane swimming pool, spa, running track, water slide, exercise and fitness rooms, concessions area, retail center and other community use areas. The project also included adding a 100kW rated wind turbine as a supplemental power source.

Unique aspects include:

A state-of-the-art water sanitation system consisting of a two-part treatment process that combines the traditional sodium hypochlorite treatment system along with an in-line ultra violet disinfection system for both the pool and spa.

The two-process sanitation system reduced free chloramines in the air which improved the overall air quality for the facility, reduced corrosion potential and allowed for fewer air changes saving heating costs. Installation of these two systems required close coordination of the mechanical controls subcontractor the pool subcontractor in both the design and construction phase.

The above-ground concrete structure consists of eight-inch-thick, pneumatically placed concrete walls (Shotcrete) and a suspended concrete floor slab. The elevated structure was designed specifically for the sub-arctic environment. The structure is elevated 4-6 feet to allow cold arctic air to pass across the passive thermal piles & probes which maintains the permafrost in a frozen and stable state.

Fire water, domestic water and sewer utilities were provided to the site via above-grade arctic pipe. Other aspects of the project included extensive grading of the site and the creation of new roadways for vehicular access to the wind turbine and for fire truck access. During the design process, Bethel determined that relocating the parking lot would provide a more cost-effective solution and also provided better access to the main entry of the building. Bethel performed other Value Engineered solutions which increase cost savings and improved building systems including changes to the roof, mechanical, and electrical systems.



City of Bethel


Bethel, Alaska

Period of Performance

11/2012 - 10/2014

Contract Value
