Bethel was contracted to conduct a soil investigation at nine distinct sites on Eielson AFB in support of future construction of F-35 facilities by others.
Bethel was contracted to provide environmental services to support JBER in maintaining compliance with various storm- and waste- water permits under the Clean Water Act.
Bethel conducted a supplemental remedial investigation of TCE impacts to groundwater at a former Atlas “D” ICBM launch site at FE Warren AFB, near Cheyenne, WY.
Bethel was contracted to provide environmental long term management (LTM) at 26 611th Civil Engineering Squadron sites throughout Alaska.
Bethel conducted a site investigation at the FAA Mount Santa Rosa ARSR in Guam to delineate the lateral and vertical extent of diesel fuel contamination in subsurface soil.
Bethel was contracted by the FAA to perform a feasibility study (FS) at six contaminated sites associated with fuel releases from former USTs that represent great challenges to remediate due to the depths and concentrations of contaminants, which equate to costly cleanups.
Bethel completed a soil release investigation (RI) at the Mount Ka’ala ARSR facility in Oahu, Hawaii.
Biannual compliance sampling is part of the compliance-related cleanup project plans for both the Camp Zama Old Landfill (CZOL) and the Logistics Readiness Center (LRC) Gas Station at Camp Zama, Japan. CZOL is a reclaimed landfill and currently supports a golf driving range, skeet range, and other uses.
This task order is comprised of a diverse set of tasks varying in greatly in scope.
This task order is comprised of a diverse set of tasks varying in greatly in scope.