Mount Ka'ala Release Investigation



Bethel completed a release investigation (RI) at the Mount Ka’ala Air Route Surveillance Radar (ARSR) facility located in Oahu, Hawaii. The investigation included collecting 37 soil samples from three locations: the ARSR main facility and the ARSR maintenance garage (both atop Mount Ka’ala), and a parking area located at the base of Mount Ka’ala. Surface and subsurface soil sample were collected by a two-person field team. Subsurface soil samples were collected using a hand auger to depths up to 12 feet below ground surface.

The field work included working with the on-site FAA Technical Monitor to modify some of the sample locations proposed in the work plan due to on the ground observations once on site. Modifications to sample locations were considered no-cost changes in scope.

Soil samples were analyzed for gasoline-range organics (GRO), diesel-range organics (DRO) and residual-range organics (RRO), polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) metals, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and semi-volatile organic compounds (SVOCs). One additional sample was analyzed for herbicides. Analytical results were compared to Hawaii Department of Health (HDOH) Hazard Evaluation and Emergency Response (HEER) Office Tier 1 Environmental Action Levels (EALs).

The results did not find evidence of any past release of toxic or hazardous substances around the main ARSR facility and its two septic tanks. The exception were three soil samples collected in surface soil adjacent to the water tank, which exceeded the cleanup level for lead. Sampling results from one location also had arsenic concentrations above the cleanup level, however Bethel stated that the arsenic levels may be attributable to nearby farming operations (present and historical) adjacent to the sampling location, or natural elevated levels in the volcanic soil. The only recommendation that Bethel made for addition investigation was to delineate lead contamination at the ARSR Maintenance Building.



Federal Aviation Administration


Oahu, Hawaii

Period of Performance

9/2016 - 10/2017

Contract Value


Contract Number


Work Performed

Work Plan Preparation and Approval

Release Investigation

Hand Drilling

Field-Screening and Soil Sampling

Remote Logistics
