RCO Tower Demolition



In support of ongoing effort by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to decommission and remove unused and obsolete air navigational infrastructure, Bethel was contracted to remove two wooden towers that supported various antennas atop the Remote Communications Outlet (RCO) on Cleland Mountain. The site is approximately one mile west of Ukiah, CA. Each of the two towers was constructed of three creosote-treated vertical posts and pressure-treated wood decking, support beams, and railings. The posts were supported by subgrade concrete foundations.

Both the creosote-treated and pressure-treated wood materials were considered Treated Wood Waste (TWW) under the state of California Department of Toxic Substances Control (DTSC). The DTSC established alternative management standards (AMS) for TWW to reduce the burdensome regulatory compliance requirements for managing this common waste stream. Specifically, the AMS lessen storage requirements, extend accumulation periods, allow shipments without a hazardous waste manifest and a hazardous waste hauler, and allow for disposal at specific non-hazardous waste landfills. TWW generated during this project falls under the provisions of Businesses Generating TWW Incidental to the Normal Course of Business, and so required the disposal of TWW to an authorized TWW facility.

Bethel obtained the appropriate equipment to demolish and dispose of waste materials, including an articulated boom and a dump truck. With this equipment and a crew of two, Bethel was able to completely remove the towers from Cleland Mountain over a period of three days. Site personnel donned the proper personal protection equipment (PPE) during demolition activities, with particular attention to appropriate respirators/filters for creosols and fall arrest PPE for working from heights greater than 6 feet.



Federal Aviation Administration


Ukiah, California

Period of Performance

7/2016 - 4/2017

Contract Value


Contract Numbers


Work Performed

Compliance with California Treated Wood Waste (TWW) management regulations

Fall protection and safe power equipment practices